The 15th edition of the International magazine "RIF" (printed)

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Dear friends!

We are pleased to inform you that the 15 issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale since December 26, 2013

The 15th edition of the International magazine "RIF" (printed)

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Dear friends!

We are pleased to inform you that the 15 issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale since December 26, 2013

In the issue:

From the Editors:

Exclusively for R.i.F.

Spain Craftsmen

Antonio Montejano:

Craftsman from Albacete

... The biggest personal challenge in my work is improvement. Therefore, I try to raise my technique to the highest possible level. Another important issue for me is to keep inspiration for daily work. You may do everything, when you are inspired,but when you lose inspiration, the work becomes impossible...


International Knife Exhibition “R.I.F.” - Autumn 2013”

... The 23rd of November, 2013 is a simple calendar date, which, as usually, numerous fans of cold weapon in Israel were looking forward. And this is so because an International Knife Exhibition “R.I.F.– Autumn-2013” arranged by “R.I.F” magazine devoted to cold weapon took place in its traditional place i.e. Ein HaMifratz

kibbutz. This time it was symbolic because it was for the first time when the exhibition showed works and collections of Israel Union of Craftsmen and Collectors (K.W.C.U.I.) and fellow organizations the Union has been in long and tight relations with…

Exclusively for R.i.F.

Russian Craftsmen

Olga Khabalova:

“There is always a desire to create something that is wished to be created…”

...There are always some running thoughts in my head that are getting in the hair until I draw them on a sheet of paper. By that time I’ve created a small pile of knives’ sketches; basically, I was very attracted by the geometry and shape of the blades. I did not pay special attention to the materials, as yet I was not aware of their diversity and all the sketches were as pure lines. But when I saw and understood what a range of opportunities opens with a particular material, all became clear to me. I only hope that I’ll have enough energy and time to create all the things that I wished to create...

Thinking out loud:

Child knives. Right or wrong?

... At first, it would be a good thing to explain to the boy the elementary safety measures: how to hold the knife correctly, what he may and may not do with this knife, how the knife should be handled and so on. Then give the example, let’s say how to whittle a pencil. Sure I know that modern world tries to be safe, and as substitution of knives there is great number of know-hows, for instance pencil sharpener. That’s why we are surprised that grown man is not able to do elementary things in his life, beginning from bulb replacement to doing up shoelaces....


Russian Blacksmith Festival

«Secrets of medieval masters»

... On August 24, 2013 in Istye village (Ryazan region, Russia), II International forge festival “Secrets of Medieval Blacksmiths” was held. The Union of blacksmiths of Russia, which includes a great number of blacksmiths from all Russia and from other countries… One of them is our fellow countryman, Israeli

master Viktor Pogodin who visited with goodwill visit a festival, and whom we asked to share his impressions....

Exclusively for R.i.F.

Russian Craftsmen

Ilia Kulikov:

“All the time I’m trying to learn more and improve one’s skills…”

... Once I’ve coped with the basis of hand-forging and the work with pneumatic hammers and having forged a bunch of tools for myself, I began to make a variety of roses and candles. Soon, I realized that it was not very interesting to me and decided to try making Damascus. At that time there was real lack of information on the subject, just a couple of books on forging in the library. Computer for a student was absolutely unaffordable, besides there were no any Internet. Thus, I heard only myths and legends about Damascus. But still, I decided to try...

Picture of the issue:


«First Ukrainian blacksmith festival of knife craftsmans»

...On September 20-22, 2013, in the small cozy town of Mirgorod, Ukraine, the First Ukrainian blacksmith festival of knife craftsmen took place. It’s always difficult to organize and keep the proper level of skills the festival. But, if everything turns out as it was planned, most often the result lick all creation. We often see reviews about events, but we know almost nothing about how they are created. Petro Fedoriaka, the organizer and the spiritual mentor of the festival, will help us to understand this question....

Exclusively for R.i.F.

Ukraine Craftsmen

Dmitriy Shevchenko:

“I make experiments on my own initiative…”

... Once, when I already made Damask blades as a hobby, I went to a knife exhibition where asked Piotr Fedoriaka to exhibit my works in a window stand. Surprisingly, all blades were sold, and I took away rather decent amount. There it was I understood that my hobby can become a profession. Everything thought began rather prosaic. In the early 90s, in Moscow, in knife store I saw a knife of Damask steel but the price tag was fancy, and I decided to create such blade by myself. Since then collection of crumbs of knowledge and equipment has been started. My first Damascus knife could be hardly called as knife but there were plenty of euphoria and delight and that strongly urged me to keep further development....

Military History:

Battle for Al-Qastal

... Modern Israeli military history, especially the history of the War of Independence, is full of bright heroic events repeatedly lyricized by contemporary Israeli culture. Thoroughly studying the history of the War of Independence (1947-49) we had to agree with the view of some historians who saw events that happened in early April 1948 in Al-Qastal village as a turning point in this war. Now let's try to recreate the chronology of events that happened those days...


VII International Festival of medieval culture in Ein Yael (Jerusalem)

... First of all, Ein Yael is connected with jousting contests. Tournaments organized by the Club of historical fencing “Knights of Jerusalem” always gather a great number of spectators. Not every day you can see how battleequipped knights pass by you, with the sword on the shoulder and shield atilt. But when the fighters meet in the fight, you cannot take your eyes off, because they fight not splashy like in the movie but in a real way… Only that fact that strong guys have to fight in about 30 kg battle-equipped costumes, and stand for several battles, excites real admiration...

Historical cold weapons:

Sa’ar Nudel:

A new life to an old knife

... My loyal readers would probably be a little surprised at this article subject. Have no fear, although I’m quite fond of modern hardware as well as antique arms, I’m not going to change hats, and this time I chose to write about one sub-model of a knife that has been on the market for almost half a century, and has become iconic. The knife is of course the Buck110, and needs no introduction. It used to be the companion of law-enforcement personnel, soldiers, farmers, hikers, outdoorsmen and sportsmen all over the world...


International Knife show “BLADE” – Traditions and modern trends”, Autumn 2013, Moscow

... The world of the Russian knife industry is not limited by piece works of numerous craftsmen. Small knife producing companies, which have achieved much success during a comparatively short period of time, are developing. It is enough to visit some booths and communicate with the representatives of the companies, ask them about novelties and keep in hands single-piece exemplars. Some of them will not go to the serial production, some of them are intended for further development, craftsmen say. Everything depends on the demand, and as you know where there’s demand, there’s supply…


Aleksander Barmin:


... It is always pleasant to talk once again about tools, find out something new, share own groundworks on creating and using the tools. Quite often engravers and jewelers uses self-made tools. In the course of work the masters altered or regrind the tool they bought customizing for their use or ask other masters to turn or mill necessary components. In much the same manner the universal graver was made....


“Arsenal” knife show, Autumn 2013, Moscow

... I am very pleased that the exhibition takes an international status. There were regular participants from Russia, Belorussia and Ukraine. The representatives from Germany, Japan, USA and Sweden really adorned the “Arsenal”. Also, for the first time we met craftsmen from Poland (Robert Lavinsky), Uzbekistan, France…


XV International Blacksmith Festival “Forged figures park” (Ukraine)

... The program of XV blacksmith festival was full of blacksmithing workshop sessions and competitions, but perhaps the most exciting event was the blacksmith's wedding. About this ancient ritual Victor Burduk learned from Russian blacksmiths several years ago, and since then in Donetsk some newly-married couples get married by blacksmith in the restaurant «Spanish patio» where on a special column a collection of wedding suns were collected. It seems that the blacksmith wedding during the festival will become a tradition for the next festivals....

Views of the knives owners:

Italian Comet from Scarperia

... We’ve got used to somehow associate Italy with famous flick knives and not only stilettos, but believe me, their story is far richer. And Consiglia Zuava - a small, firm, pleasantly heavy knife is an excellent proof thereof. While searching for any information about this knife I found many references to nature lovers who positioned this knife as little handy knife for fine work. And, why not? It sits well in hand, nicely cuts and planes off, and what more a man needs to be happy when sitting somewhere with a fishing rod at the quiet stream and pending for a bite planning something of wood....

Activity from RIF-magazine:

Questions to Grand-Quiz from International Cold Weapon Magazine R.I.F

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