Dear friends!
We are pleased to inform you that the 19 issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale

In the issue:

From the Editor:

Exclusively for R.i.F.
Russia Artisans:
Vasily Vorobyov:
“I’m trying to find new solutions in the field of space…”

... By and large, the image and design of weapon composition I decide myself. The most important for me is to organize a dialog with contemporaries and as the means of relations I chose a three-dimensional object (a knife, the interior item, a sculpture). The balance of not only material plan, but also of the esthetic plan is important here. I myself, being an instrument in the hands of time, distorted the form by the content; I offer to see the fragility and instability of both traditional forms and contents. I am trying to justify my existence by this…
Excursion into history:
Scout’s knife NR-40

...The domestic scout’s knife had luck. In the end of 20s and the first half of 30s of the past century the knife industry in Russia experienced the developing. Legislative restrictions of 1935 on knife production and traffic hadn’t concerned it yet. That’s why our armourers by the early 40s could make one of the best military models. They produced NR-40 mainly in one of the historical centers of Russia – the region of Nizhny Novgorod...
On a visit to “Blade”
Roman Keilin

…It happened that I have never succeeded in getting to one more important Moscow exhibition “Blade”. I heard a lot, saw many photos, and heard about it again, but couldn’t attend… Some time or other it would happen. And it happened. In the form of the fact that I was presented with airplane tickets, the farewell speeches were read and I went to take pleasure, or rather – to work. However, work always brings satisfaction, so it’s more interesting to unite this both things…
Exclusively for R.i.F.
Russia Artisans:
Vladimir Demidov:
“Work brings me satisfaction…”

... Any work is composed of several notional layers. The idea should be interesting to me. Then its plastic embodiment should be drawn and well considered either. And the beauty and shades of the pattern of the Damascus steel are always important to me. The images bore in my head, it goes suddenly and doesn’t depend on the work of mind, seems like they suddenly illuminated the dark corner by the ray of the flash-lamp. The work of mind turns on afterwards, when discovered in the dark form should be polished and brought to the final state...
Ethnic knives:

... Yes, it was exactly the Chukchee plate shale, which played its role in forming, perhaps, one of the most famous knives, which played the most important part in the survival of the Arctic region peoples – ulu. There was quite a lot of this shale in Chukotka, so it was easily enough to select a necessary piece for a work piece. By the way, a lot of specialists say that the distinction of this mineral is not to crumble, but flake off with quite long and curved streaks. And this curvature, as it is considered, forms the shape of ulu knife: half-rounded, with one or two stems, where the handle of bone, horn or wood was fixed crosswise…
XV Moscow Exhibition “Arsenal”

… The exhibition, to say, was normally interesting, if we could give such definition. It was standard because the majority of stands were represented mainly by the same craftsmen and companies. It was interesting due to the fact that the increase of new names was observed undeviatingly…
Exclusively for R.i.F.
Russia Artisans:
Gennady Sokolov:
“I proceed from idea, subject, image…”

...I always, not just experiment, but search, and not “mine” shape, but the one which is complied with my plan. And it won’t suit for another one. I can’t make anything universal – and use this shape later. The thing is real – I can’t stop at anything one. The stop is the death of art, because I won’t be able to make simple ornaments...
Views of the knives owners:
Phelan or Titanium Wolves

...And then I saw it in a different light. It was not so big. It was not so awkward. It was not strange. Everything was perfect. And only because the fact that it had been made for me. No, trials didn’t limit with a couple of cases. The trials for our knives are daily. They are at home in small things and in big things, too – that is kitchen, repair works, recreation on the landscape. And a muscular memory becomes habitual, when without hesitation, you grasp a handle, slipped your finger on thumb stud; when a click of blade fixing by lock becomes habitually pleasant. When you know what you should wait from a knife, his weak points, his sharpening and other technical moments...
Exclusively for R.i.F.
Russia Artisans:
Vladislav Matveev:
“ When something is going wrong – then I want to make it cooler…”

...When love to the damascene came, I started thinking how to make something good, something of a higher quality. Honestly, I didn’t want to surpass my father in this trade, because we work together… I helped my father with everything: metal work, administrative questions, enterprising, exhibitions were on my shoulders… There was no time for forging, and I didn’t want to distract my father. He stands with a hammer all the time. In the end the anger arose in me, so called, professional anger, which made me buy forging press, hammer, rent a garage. And there I wanted to start making not the samples, but complex things straight away. I had been working in smithy for five years by that time...
Military History:
UZI. Living history…

…In order to understand the UZI fate completely, it is necessary to observe it in the context of military history of the Middle East in the second half of the XXth century. One of the major problems, which Israel faced in 1948 in period of the Independence War, was the lack of armament and ammunition. Israeli armed forces used everything what could shoot, starting with hunting rifles and finishing with the Soviet weapons of the WWII. Of course, the problem of ammunition standardization arose immediately. After the end of the war it became obvious that Israel was doomed to long-lasting confrontation with Arab neighbours...
Sa’ar Nudel:
A little knife – Big Legend

... The subject of this article was to show me a colleague that has aroused a vague memory. All that I had - it quickly flashed before his eyes the image of an old book, so I began searching for my library and Google. Instant Search Results argued that it was a horrible murder weapon, specially developed and used by the Croatian Ustashe during the Second World War for the execution of prisoners of war, Jews and Serbs...
II Blacksmith’s Festival “Kört Aika”

…There is a character in the mythology of the Komi people Kört Aika, who, according to the legends, lived in the environs of the iron mountain known as Kortkeros. He became the hero and the symbol of the festival, a legendary Iron Man…
The Exhibition “Names. The Art of Forging”

… The exhibition was held at the Atrium of the Commandant’s House of Peter and Paul Fortress for the second time. The subject and purpose of the exhibition – was to present modern author’s artistic forging, concentrated on artistic, not the commercial side, in one of the best museums of the city…
Our Activity:
International Exhibition of Cold Weapon “RIF Spring – 2015”

…This time the exhibition was held in Kibbutz Kfar-Masaryk, which is situated in a couple of minutes drive from Akko. It’s quite beautiful place, with a big and light hall, where, in fact, the action was developed. It is also became a tradition that guests and masters from other countries always take part in the exhibition. This time there were both masters and dealers and organizers of international knife projects…

... It’s strange enough, but the permanent settlement had been existing on the territory of Ashkelon since the late Stone Age. By 2000 B.C. it was a big city surrounded with massive wall. The city was such big (for that period), that later crusaders built their fortress on the remains of its walls. The course of history of the city was determined by coastal location and the position on the cross of all trade routes. Firstly, it was Via Maris, a coastal trade route, which led from Egypt and Africa to the country of Hittites, and then to Rome and Greece. Secondly, it was possible to turn off the road from Ashkelon to Via Regia, the trade route, which led from Egypt to Babylon Parthia. Thirdly, near Ashkelon there was the Incense Route which led to South Arabia. Fourthly, near Ashkelon the land part of Spice Route came out to the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, where in caravans through Petra and Nabatea goods were brought further through Eilat or ports of Yemen to the Indian Ocean...
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