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The 14th edition of the International magazine "RIF" (printed)

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Dear friends!

We are pleased to inform you that the 14 issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale since September 10, 2013

The 14th edition of the International magazine "RIF" (printed)

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Dear friends!

We are pleased to inform you that the 14 issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale since September 10, 2013

In the issue:

From the Editors:

Exclusively for R.i.F.

Russia Craftsmen:

Igor Arefiev:

“I don’t like working on request…”

...I work with pot steel only, and I make it myself. And bulat steel is East, that is where East motives come from. Why do I like to make old style blades? I even do not know. I just make them. There you may see the East beauty and a blade seeming just a simple thing. But this is simplicity based on laborious efforts. And often time consuming, indeed. I wonder now old-time weapon craftsmen made such thing having no technical equipment we can use nowadays...


International Knife Exhibition “R.I.F.”Spring-2013“ in Israel

...Tradition is tradition, and that is why on May 25, 2013, on the country North, in an equally traditional place, in the large hall of the Ain ha-Mifratz kibbutz that is near old Akko, the next Cold Weapon Exhibition took place. A sponsor and organizer of the exhibition was – once more, traditionally – R.I.F., a cold weapon journal...

Historical cold weapons:

Sa’ar Nudel:

An axe to grind

...The internet gave way for growing fields of collecting such as ancient tools, mainly torture and punishment

instruments. As a result, we can see a relatively large number of what is depicted as “executioners' axes”. Even

though it was a major tool of that grim trade, basically it was just a big axe. However, as with every special task

tool, it had to have certain qualities to perform its role sufficiently...

Russia Craftsmen:

Valeriy Koptev:

“Anyway, I Do It as I Want”

...The first thing was to understand the principle itself. I had no information, just the fact that somebody do it. Later I get acquainted with Basov and, while he had not taught me a single day, he was greatly interested in what I could do. For example, there was such an exercise: preparing Damascus from a handful of nails and another handful of cast iron with no electric welding, using nothing except a forging furnace, an anvil, and manual smith hammer. Since then, Damascus has been my main working material...

Exhibitions and Activity:


”Blade”, 28th International Fair (Moscow)


“Smiths of Russia -2013” Smith Festival

...In the recent May weekend, in the All-Russia Exhibition Center (AREC), Moscow, the Central All-Russia Smith Festival, “Smiths of Russia”, was held. In the area of the 1st USSR Pavilion and the “Peoples’ Friendship” fountain, smiths from all over Russia gathered – Yakutia, Ryazan, Pskov, Baykal. Moscovites and guests of the Capital became visitors and participants of the festival. The “weather forecast” importunately promised a downpour and thunderstorm, but the first day of the event passed with no bad surprises...

Ukraine Craftsmen:

Sergey Mikhaylovskiy:

”The main accent the knife usability”

...I would forge, times and again, but rarely, mainly for fun, on the smith festival with Petro Fedoryaka. What

I like to forge more are not knives but axes. Forging is not a too hard operation if you know what you are doing and are skilled enough. For me, forging was beginning at Sorochinska Fair. Petro Fedoryaka was there with his forge. That was where I began trying to forge. I began with my first horseshoe and a nail. Then I forged a blade, but I failed. It cracked when been tempered. Well, than Petro arranged the smith festival in Trudolub Village where I continued to train myself in forging…

Alex Tseitlin:

The history of Sheffield cutlery company Joseph Elliot & Son.

...Trade advertisements dated Elliot's to 1795. According to family sources, the firm has so far been traced to Joseph Elliot (c. 1760-30 July 1830), who had ten children. The first directory listing was in 1822, when Joseph Elliot (his son?), a razor manufacturer, was based in Sambourn Square, Edward Street. Three years later the firm relocated to its nineteenth-century address: Hollis Croft...

Picture of the issue:


The “Trudolyub” Festival of Smithcraft in Ukraine

...On June 21, 2013, the “Trudolyub”(“Hardworker”) blacksmith festival of cutlers that bears its name

after the village of Trudolyub in Poltava oblast, Ukraine, once again took place. The traditional fest continues to bring together blacksmiths and cutlers who have come to the festival at the personal invitation of Petr Fedoryaka, a wellknown Ukrainian blacksmith master and the organizer of this event...

Exhibitions and Activity:


The First Ukrainian gunsmith festival of the Blade Masters


Oleg Gushchin:

A Workshop on Blades’ Multitone Etching. Lesson II

...In the last number of our journal, an introductory discussion was published on the subject of decorative metal etching. We talked about all the tools and materials required for the craft. Now, we commence practical implementation of the process beginning from acid-proof protective lacquer...

Exhibitions and Activity:


”Arsenal”. The 13th Moscow exhibition

Views of the knives owners:

Microtech Socom Elite mini or What Else do You Need to be Happy…

...The first problem arised immediately: I wore no suits. Alas, in our hot climate, if you are not some minister or a cool businessman, it is somewhat problematic to wear suits. First, it is hot. Second, the laws of our country do not allow to bear a knife. Even with a suit. But you can't throw words out of a song, and that was why I

became concerned with a knife that may be classified as “for a suit and elegant”. Well, it was not me who thought of the term, these were users of other countries who are forced to wear suit pairs and, at the same time, are allowed to wear knives. That is why I did not ignore the issue...


Aleksander Barmin:

Lesson 12: inlay on wood


Lipa Gruzman:

The “Shiv” story

…I would like to tell the readers of “R.I.F.” about the art that has stuck deeply in my mind – the art of handling the “moyka” [shiv>, that is, a small, sharp, non-folding knife made from an open-blade razor that was nice for “cutting the pocket”. And if that pocket had a purse or a wallet in it, or just money – well, you were a lucky guy… And as for the “criminal underworld” – this is how they refer to it now – in those days these two words only made us smile...


Superstitions Associat ed with Knivesbr />

… Who of us did not get in situations associated with superstitions? There are not so many of such people. Here and there you may hear: “Don’t eat from your knife or you will become evil” or even “Don’t play with the knife or we will quarrel”. And many other things… Really, there is a vast variety of superstitions. And no wonder, since a knife is one of the main things in human lives since ancient times with their stony knives

till blades of super-modern steels nowadays. But even now, a modern human being still follows, sometimes unconsciously, numerous superstitions as if some ancient genetic memory is working. And you may find there even some mysticism… This time, we collected several superstitions for you associated with knives and having been existing from immemorial times...

Exhibitions and Activity:


XV International Blacksmith art festival forged figures park (Donetsk, Ukraine)

Exhibitions and Activity:


International knightly tournament - the only one in Israel

Travel around Israel:

Hebron. One of the four

...Hebron is one of four sacred cities for Israelites, apart from Jerusalem, Safed, and Tveria. It is believed that Jews had lived in the city for about three thousand years, till the massacre of 1929. This very ancient city, repeatedly referred to in the Bible, was once a center of a historical area, Judea. It is still one of the largest settlements in Judean Mountains, with its inhabitants separated in two parts independent of one another...

Our Activity:


«Grand Quiz» from the International Magazine of bladed weapons “R.I.F. Cold Weapons Real Men›s World”

Dear Friends!

Edition of the International Magazine of bladed weapons “R.I.F. Cold Weapons Real Men’s World” again makes a great gift to all true connoisseurs of bladed weapons - “Grand quiz” from “RIF”!

Prizes of “Grand Quiz”

- Many valuable prizes, including the knives of different manufacturers such as: Opinel, Buck, Sword Peasant, Paaso Knives, Olamic, Cold Steel, Fiskars and others provided by our partner online store www.FishmanKnives.com

- Handmade knives for fishing, hunting, housekeeping that are provided by masters whose names will be submitted before the end of the “Grand Quiz”.

- As well as a subscription to the print and electronic versions of the International Magazine of bladed weapons

“R.I.F. Cold Weapons Real Men’s World”

No one will be left without a prize. But provided that you correctly answer questions that are prepared by the


Conditions of participation in the “Grand Quiz”

“Grand Quiz” is open to all lovers and connoisseurs of edged weapons who purchased the magazine since the

beginning of the start of “Grand Quiz” on 01.09.2013 and before it will be ended on 31.12.2013, in printed or

electronic version, as well as current and new subscribers after 01.09.2013. Since 01.09.2013, in each instance of purchased magazine will be enclosed issue that will participate in the “Grand Quiz”, the same goes for the electronic versions: everyone who has bought the electronic version is given an issue to participate.

You can purchase the magazine:

1. On the official website of magazine: www.RIFmagazine.com, it is a convenient and the fastest form of designing of printed and electronic versions of the magazine, as well as a subscription to the print and electronic version of the magazine. In addition if you have questions please write here - email: sales@rifmagazine.com

2. Representative in Russia: Lipa Gruzman (Leonid Aaronovitch Gruzman). E-mail: gruzman.david@mail.ru

3. Representative in Ukraine: Alex Belkov. E-mail: alex_chernig@bk.ru

About the questions and answers in the “Grand Quiz from “RIF”

In “Grand Quiz” you need to answer correctly on 15 questions, which will be published in the 15th issue of the journal.

Attentively read the questions. Think. Then write a letter in which you will send us the answer to the questions. But - only answer! It also can be extended, if someone wants to write why he/she gives such a response, but not the other. You have to just write answers to the questions at the order of issues, at the end of the letter - the name, full address, including country of residence. We will answer for sure to every letter which came.

You guessed correctly or not - you will learn in the 16th edition of the magazine, where we will announce the results and winners.

Send the answers to the address: grandvictorina@rifmagazine.com / marked “Grand Quiz from “RIF”.

The purpose of “Grand Quiz”

1. Promote a culture of bladed weapons.

2. Exchange of experience and information.

3. Check yourself in the knowledge of modern and historical bladed weapons.

4. If you want to show off your erudition, knowledge, or just experience at that to receive a valuable prize - then this is for you. We wish good luck!

Best regards,

The Edition of the International Magazine of bladed weapons

“R.I.F. Cold Weapons Real Men’s World”

Our Activity:


International Knife Exhibition “R.I.F.”Winter-2013“ in Israel


Pay attention!

The delivery of the magazine is guaranteed to any country of the world.

The subscription can be made through representatives or directlyon the magazine website!

To order:


E-mail: sales@rifmagazine.com

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