The 12th edition of the International magazine "RIF" (printed)

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Dear friends!

We are pleased to inform you that the 12 issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale since March 8, 2012

The 12th edition of the International magazine "RIF" (printed)

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Dear friends!

We are pleased to inform you that the 12 issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale since March 8, 2012

In the issue:

From the Editor:

Exclusively for R.i.F.

Elizabeth Loerchner:

“My decision to begin making knives was a personal one…”

...Attending knife shows before I began making knives always left me feeling liberated. I was filled with ideas and an itch to play them out. It was this feeling that I chose to act on. Following the family tradition is an added honour that I hope to serve well. I drew a sketch of a knife that I had growing in my mind. I approached my father with the sketch and asked him if he would teach me the skills I needed to create this piece, stating I was unsure if this would be something I would permanently pursue...

Historical cold weapons:

Sa’ar Nudel:

Some thoughts regarding the making and owning a replica

...As a weapon enthusiast, the major question to ask is “Why buy a replica in the first place”? First we have to define the replica. In my opinion, when speaking of swords, it is a newly made sword, replicating an original design by form, materials, measurements, assembly techniques – meaning that a blade can be ground on a motorized belt grinder, or a tang can be lengthened by arch welding instead of forge welding to save time, but a pommel should be riveted rather threaded. As for why, well, there can be several possible answers...

Russia Craftsmen:

Denis Pikov:

“Oriental Theme Started Attracting Me Since I was a Boy …”

...I didn’t want to be a blacksmith at once… It appeared when I worked as a welder, I used to do various crafts: wood carving, hammering, raising – I always needed to engage myself with something. Due to my occupation, I used to hold tools often. My first work was katana sword made of steel band and polished on felt, then wood for a handle, then a cord and other details. My colleges liked it, however, I myself was pleased with my workpiece. For an hour...


Vladimir Burkovsky:

Exhibition in Milan, autumn 2012

...Indeed, another event brings new excitements. We’ve been preparing all the year, trying to do things that are different from last year's exhibition, to present something new, more interesting this time. I can say that we’ve succeeded for the most part; some works were rated well enough. This time, Italian exhibition was on the ball, both in terms of art, and the level of organization, proving its high status once again. The important fact I’d like to note is that the number of international players this time has risen considerably. I mean all new faces, new craftsmen, dealers, whom I previously encountered in America or Russia, and at this time met here at the exhibition. And this is really nice, after all...


Yevgeniy Premysler:

Bayonets of Israel K-98 Bayonet “Modified”

...What does it represent? It almost exactly copies the original, but with a couple of small differences. In particular, one and a half grind of the blade was made, and the second difference was an exclusively poor quality of manufacture. Large clearances, carelessly and imprecisely roughly made, but, nevertheless, it was originally Israeli. A blade with a fuller on the both sides. A handle with two wooden or bakelite grips, linked to the tang by two screws, and sometimes – by two rivets. Head of the handle had a T-slot and a spring lock with internal position of the ring spring. In a short steel cross-head, there is a ring on the side of blade spine...

Alex Tseitlin:

Carl Victor Heljestrand of Eskilstuna

...It also helped him to acquire the knowledge faster as it was the purpose of the trip. At the end of 1845, he left England and traveled across Belgium and Germany. He made sure to visit some of Europe's most renowned knife factories on his way back to Sweden. He returned to Eskilstuna later the same year. After his return from England and encountering several barrier, he managed to rent a room of about eight feet wide and sixteen feet long in an existing grinding house. In this room, he procured a workshop after the English model with several grinding and polishing stands...

Elena Frolova:

Scrimshaw master-class (lesson III)

...As we said in the previous lesson if a picture has some eyes – we start with them. It is better to work with maximum magnification. Eyes should be bright and clear. Next we start working around them, nose, ears, the whole face ... The whole package should be clear, three-dimensional, elaborated in detail. In scrimshaw it is possible to make image brighter and more intense. And the opposite is very difficult. Do not forget that it is a miniature, people will see the picture as a whole, without actually being able to examine the details, so we have to work with these very details...

Picture of the issue:

Ukraine Craftsmen:

Oleg Balya:

“Nobody has ever complained about my works…”

...I invent shapes by myself. When considering works of knife masters presented in the literature, sometimes I think that I could make it in a different way. I take a pencil…and a new design is born…Though I try to avoid repeating myself at works. It’s not exciting to make anything twice. For example, a couple of years ago there were discussion on forums about the ability to make a clasp-knife with a bottle opener and corkscrew together. So that all required items were placed in between two slips. Everybody considered it was impossible to make…but for me, I think, it was the most interesting work…


International Knife Exhibition “R.I.F.”-Winter 2012“ in Israel

...On December 8, 2012 in a cozy and picturesque place of Ein ha-Mifratz which has become familiar to many connoisseurs and experts, an international knife exhibition “RIF - Winter-2012” organized by the international cold weapon magazine“RIF” took place. Despite such prosaic name, winter in Israel is more like Indian summer: a nice warm day, the sun is not bright but warm and it rains occasionally... Though sometimes it happens the weather is capricious, changing before our eyes. But for knives fans and collectors such weather changes do not matter at all. Some people came there for the first time, others became regular visitors, and what is important there are more those more who arrive with their families...


Aleksander Barmin:

Lesson 10: Metal inlay

...Having finished with chisel, you should start neatly grind the whole pattern with sandpaper. To grind excess wire, which remained on the surface, do not use coarse sandpaper, because then it will be necessary to remove scratches. , which will hurt the quality of inlaid metal and the whole pattern...


“Multitool of good Say a Word...”

…Having already tried this useful instrument I wondered whether I should buy the same Chinese one or turn to some well-known companies? It took me long to solve the issue, the whole ten minutes. Finally, having briefly compared all variants, I decided to take an American Multi-tool… And so I immediately started to search for all available information through the Internet that was courteous enough to provide me with tens of thousands of pictures containing photos of multi-tools. It was more than the eyes could take in…. Thus I had to think over one simple thing: what was it that I wanted to have in the multi-tool? Actually, by that time I already ceased going out to the countryside so often, and I was more in need of something on hand while in the city. So I started to sort out the sets of built-in tools cutting out the unnecessary details...

Views of the knives owners:

"Baiker-2" or knives do not give up!

...When I saw the Baiker for the first time, I was scratching my head for a long time, thinking: do I really need it? Being already able to buy and compare quite expensive models of knives from different manufacturers, I still wanted that funny hunky-chunk. Why funny? Yes, this is because there is something of sorts in it, and I like its look. Each time I was stopped by a thick cut of the handle, almost square and one pin. And again I gravitated to it...

Peter Shknevsky:

Steels grade from ATS to CPM series

... Steels of more expensive class have a slightly more complex chemical composition and alloying additives which respectively implies different ways of handling these types other than those of more simple types. Adding let’s say corrosion-resistant components or expensive chemical elements make steel better, stronger and more resistant to external stimuli but also increases its cost, that is why the knives made of them are often more expensive than steels of low-budget classes. Let’s take a look at some well-known and popular brands…

Travel around Israel:

Safed – the city of the righteous

...From the first second once in Safed you feel: how easy it is to breathe, the air is crystal clear and transparent. Especially in the midst of the summer heat, when the humidity in the coastal stripe reaches 60-75%, which makes 30-degree heat typical for Israel give a sense of the sauna. And in autumn days in Safed, according to the Mediterranean standards it is winter already. Though according to European standards it is real Indian summer: off-peak season, in general the climate is very healthy. From this height for a few tens of kilometers a stunning view appears: in the west - the Mediterranean Sea, in the north – snow-capped Mount Hermon top, and in the south-east one can observe lake Tiberias (Kinneret) and the surrounding countryside, and so one of the explanations for the name "Safed" – is the connection with the Hebrew root "to observe."...


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