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Dear friends!

We are pleased to inform you that the 13 issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale since June 7, 2013

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Dear friends!

We are pleased to inform you that the 13 issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale since June 7, 2013

In the issue:

From the Editor:

Exclusively for R.i.F.

Russia Craftsmen:

Alexander Aredakov:

”I do not work and do not rest – I make knives!”

...It all happened by itself. Three years ago I had a hobby, hobby gradually turned into a profession, shall we say, evolved. So much so that last year I quit my job and devoted myself entirely to the production of knives. Confucius once said, “Get a job in mind - and you do not have to work a day in your life”. Now it touched me. I do not work and do not rest - I make knives...

Historical cold weapons:

Sa’ar Nudel:

La Navaja from Spain, but not just…

...The Navaja was common all over Spain, along the Mediterranean cost of France; similar knives were used in Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and Sothern Italy. Across the Atlantic Ocean they were seen in Mexico as a former Spanish territory, but not so much as one could expect among the other countries of Latin America. Its largest popularity was gained, therefore, along the Mediterranean coast of both Spain and France...


The Exhibition of bladed weapons “Arsenal”

...First of all, as noted by those who come to the Arsenal, the exhibition is an opportunity to see firsthand the things that you do not actually see anywhere else. The tranquil beauty and elegance - so perhaps we could characterize the exhibition. These points are inherent to Arsenal and have become his trademark. Just as the presence of artists and brands, for which many visitors lay their business and come here, to the exhibition...

Ukraine Craftsmen:

Jan Pogorjelskiy:

“His Majesty Case interfered my life…”

...Initially I was engaged only in a long-blade weapon, it was of the most interest for me and congenial. Concentrating all efforts in this direction, in course of time I’ve got rich practical experience of a bladesmith.

I also tried myself in the artistic forging, as these skills are important for a blacksmith, but was not often engaged in this kind of activity, basicly making household items for my acquaintances. Perhaps, the only work in this direction, that needs mentioning, was making the forged lamps for a St. Alexander’s cathedral in Kyiv…


“Bila Zbroya” (‘The White Weapon’)

...The exhibition’s main exposition are the floor cases of Ukrainian armourers, them, according to organizers, been more than two dozen. When visiting the exhibition, one could not only see the knives manufactured by different craftsmen, done in various sizes and styles and intended for various purposes, but they could also hold them in hands, receive a professional advice of what is the right way to sharpen the blades made of this or that material, and what is the proper way of taking care of the knife so that it could serve its owner for years. A variety of shapes, performance styles, the use of different materials in knives’ production allowed to choose exactly what one’s heart desired, while this very variety was the reason of why one didn’t know where to look first...


Automatic knife – gangster and gentlemen?

…In general, according to the production companies and history it is considered that the automatic switchblade knives were invented… for sailors. It is sailors who went on trips on sailing ships. A knife was required there to cut the rope, like on a broken mast during a storm, when the other hand had to hold something not to be washed overboard. Any pegs and holes for one-handed opening had not been invented, but the idea of the one-handed blade opening with a conventional spring seemed sensible for somebody. Just press the button and get the result. It is quick and reliable. There is no need in opening the wet blade with your teeth as well as there is no risk to cut your lip...

Oleg Gustchin:

Master-class: A Workshop on Blades’ Multitone Etching. Lesson 1

...In scope of designer’s arms they most often apply this technique in decoration of blades. There are some certain reasons here. For instance, unlike engraving, the chemical etching easily “copes with” red-hot steel. No blade fixation is required for etching - it can simply be placed on a table, on a clean piece of paper. The only tools that one needs are a thin brush and a needle. As to the materials – they are a special lacquer and an etching solution. And what is more important, one can receive fairly good results even having some basic experience only...

Picture of the issue:


The “Blade – Traditions and the Present” Exhibition. Spring 2013. Moscow

...This time, just as usual, the exhibition has attracted much attention, by the number of participants as well. It is not only that their number does not drop – it goes up, as well as the quality of the exhibited products. Along with cold arms industry mastodons one can also find names of young and new masters. The visitors say that when one comes to the exhibition, even having some preliminary picture of what products are to be presented, in any case after the first few minutes one catches on the purse involuntarily, for one wants to buy this, and that, let alone those things one has not seen yet is already anticipating...

Views of the knives owners:

Opinel-8 or Almost tactical kitchen knife

...As elsewhere, in France people like shepherds or ordinary peasants liked to roam with knives. And they still roam. The knife is still a necessary tool, simple and plain, that should be always close at hand. A simple peasant couldn’t find money for a good instrument so the local craftsmen made plain jackknives of simple steel and with simple hilts, which people were buying for small coins for all sorts of everyday uses. However, the form of the knives was standard, tried and tested...

Exclusively for R.i.F.

Israel Craftsmen:

Victor Pogodin:

“Damask is not a hobby; it’s a purpose of life…”

...Well, I think about it from my childhood. Did you read fairy tales? Some epic hero won all by damask sword and that sword could cut a stone or armor or anything else. Magic metal damask… everything has started from that time. I spent days and nights in the Internet looking for information about ways and methods of forging and smelting of damask steel. The first article I found was an article by Pavel Anosov, the founder of Russian damask. Having read information I started constructing my first furnace for smelting. It was a little difficult, of course. When you don’t know the language it is really difficult to explain people what do you need...

Alex Tseitlin:

Three short stories about razor makers at the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th century

... In today's article, I want to stop on three razor makers: Anton Wingen Jr., Solingen, Herbert Robinson & Co., Sheffield and Frederick Reynolds, Sheffield...


Yevgeniy Premysler:

...Let’s agree with the fact that no one was able to answer the question why, in general, “Uzi” needs a bayonet. In contemporary short wars over long distances the bayonets attacks are practically reduced to zero.

Mostly the idea that the bayonet was needed more for ceremonial events than for permanent hand-to-hand fighting is voiced. Well, another use is for solders domestic needs. Personally, I like the bayonet because it is really good for any needs: you can use to cut bread and sausages as well as you can successfully use it to defend yourself in case of necessity...

Views of the knives owners:

Machete. Expert’s notes

...It is quite rare when knives cause so many contradictory reviews as a machete. These opinions, as usual, are diametrically opposed: “In our conditions, machete can’t find any use”, “With machete, you can do all the work and replace an ax”, “Machete is a dangerous weapon”, “Machete is common household tool”. There is no consensus even in the linguistic question: what gender is machete? Someone thinks it is masculine, majority thinks it is neuter gender, few extremists claim that it is feminine, and therefore it is correct to talk in Russian: “My macheta” as it is ‘she’’. I am not going to take part in linguistic debates because of low skills in this matter. But I have some experience in matters of machetes technique, their manufacture or rework. I do not claim to tell the ultimate truth by no means, I only offer my purely subjective notes, so a reader can draw his own conclusions...


Aleksander Barmin:

Lesson 11: Metal inlay

...When writing the type fonts, engravers use flat sculper or graver of different widths. To write a script text (calligraphic), they use a onglette graver. Calligraphic font, unlike type one, requires considerable experience and knowledge of some of the nuances, such as marking, cutting tool sharpening, where and how the pressings (bevels) should be applied...

Travel around Israel:

Asphaltic Sea

...Adventure Tours is a relative thing. If in order to get to the highest point of the Earth somewhere in the mountains you need to be a professional alpinist but in order to get to the lowest point of the planet without any equipment you just have to come to Israel. At a depth of 427 m below sea level there is one of the most amazing natural wonders of the world – the Dead Sea. There is hardly a person who has never heard about the Dead Sea. However, the sea is just a name but in reality it is a big endorheic salt lake which consists of two basins located between Israel (the nearest major city is Jerusalem – 19 km), Palestinian authority and Jordan (with a nearest to the lake Amman city – 48 km). Since ancient times it has had bad reputation: “No bird flies over it, no animal runs past, the man who dares to sail it died”, the Arabs said...

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