Dear friends!
We are pleased to inform you that the 18 issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale

In the issue:
From the Editor:

Exclusively for R.i.F.
Russia Artisans:
Gennady Dobretsov:
“I am looking for something modern in order to make classic…”

... And in general, speaking about personal vision, everything should match with each other in a knife: first of all, knife should be beautiful and convenient at work. I mean functionality and clearness of lines like an artwork. And for me the artwork is – efficient and simple knives without lots of jewels and gold, those where little detail makes it unique. That’s why I don’t have patterns, but I have favourite forms, style which I try to follow...
In Memory of Petr Fedoryaka

…I suppose that there is no person among smiths knife-makers, who doesn’t know name Petr Fedoryaka, the master from a small Ukrainian town. Creative person, Master from the capital letter, the founder of international festivals among smiths in Ukraine, and just a hospitable man. The doors of his house were opened for all comers. There is no him anymore… The soldier of his land, he went to defend the country. And did not come back, has not lived a few days for his fiftieth birthday…
Our Activity:
International Knife Exhibition “R.I.F. Winter-2014”

The 6th of December 2014 in Kibbutz Ein ha-Mifratz international knife exhibition “R.I.F. Winter-2014” took place arranged by “R.I.F. Cold Weapons: Real Men’s World” magazine and which had already developed into something more than just an exhibition…
Exclusively for R.i.F.
Russia Artisans:
Dmitry Konovalov:
”I know what I want to make – and I make it purposefully…”

...“Everything is already invented before us” – wise men say. Kitchen knives have their own history, there are individuals with particular features for a specific target. Our ancestors have already invented and tested everything, it is just necessary to see it and not spoil it. There are an amount of kitchen knives, the majority is unknown to us, or we just don’t need them. I don’t use the patterns I just use a general idea, because every form results in specific functionality, and not just outward form. That’s why I just take a book about knives and learn what the knife is and what’s its purpose, I think how it became such and what made it the best during the natural selection. And if there is a necessity in such knife I will try to make it, allow mistakes, then try again...
Anniversary “Blade” – 15 Years Together!

…What new and interesting was at the anniversary “Blade”? The quantity of participants is growing, not to mention those who present from the first days: Alexander Cheburkov, Igor Pampuha, “A&R” company, Anatoly Urakov and many others whose names are well-known for a long time. “Sabatier” company from France is expanding its attendance and has become haunter of “Blade”. Rather and rather representative was Alexei Kukin’s stand (“Knife workshop”), impressed us again with perfect adjustment of details of clasp-knives and quality performance. By the way, it has become more thematic printed literature, with which Russian consumers are supplied regularly and in accelerated tempo…
Exclusively for R.i.F.
Russia Artisans:
Sergey Burov (UralEDC):
” There are a great number of plans, but we’ll execute them gradually…”

...And the idea to make something together in three appeared in 2011. Anton Elistratov and Denis Shefer at that moment already had an experience of making several knives together and I did blades thermotreatment for Denis several times. I even can’t remember whose the idea was to carry out a project in three, but we agreed in the opinion that our joint work would be a small series of “Karapets” – little knives. As a result there were ten small sharp knives made of CPM 10V steel with rosewood handles. And at the same time we checked how well we could work together...
XV Moscow Exhibition “Arsenal”

…The exhibition was a little concise, meaning that the amount of participants is growing and the quarter remains former. However, I think it will be reparable in the future. This time organizers have toughened safely regulations on an entrance point. The past incidents with unfair visitors let itself know. That’s a plus, certainly... In addition, there were much less tipsy attendees, which is also an advantage, organizers keep holding the mark of the exhibition. By and large, summarizing – the exhibition has succeeded…


Laboratory of R.i.F.:
City knives test:
Kershaw Cryo 1555 BLK vs Cold Steel Recon-1 Mini

...Today we have two opponents in the ring, two knives which have already won the popularity among those users, who prefer sturdy knives of reasonable price. Everyone has their own preferences: some people are looking for inexpensive strong knives, others – for more expensive models with sophisticated blade steel. But meanwhile we have decided to examine and test two popular knife models which frequently appear in the “small city knife” niche. So, well. There is a black-dressed warrior Kershaw Cryo 1555 BLK in the right corner and he will stand on the ring against Cold Steel Recon-1 Mini which limbers up in the left corner looking at the opponent maliciously. And while a look passes between them, we will tell you about them briefly...
Sa’ar Nudel:
A Sword of Justice indeed

... The construction was simple but solid, with little or none decoration. Sometimes the composition of the pommel and cross-guard, made to the fashion of the period, was the only embellishment. The blade, the most
important part, was long and symmetric with two parallel edges, wide and relatively thin so it could be sharpened to a very high degree. Sometimes it was engraved with symbols and mottos of law and justice, along with depictions of capital punishments means, like the gallows and the wheel of torment. As it was not meant to stab with, and also as a symbol of its different role, the point was either rounded or squared…
International Forum of Contemporary Knives (FiCX)

… Throughout the two days about 1,000 connoisseurs and collectors of knives and works of art came to meet and discover the most famous and innovative contemporary knife-makers, who combine traditions and know-how, technique and virtuosity, creativity and inventiveness. 72 craftsmen from 19 countries represented their works…
Views of the knives owners:
Emerson A100 mini or Tanks are Not Afraid of Mud!

... On the other hand, the knife was made for another purpose, not for tactical attack. It is more civil version, which aimed to make easier citizen’s heavy struggle for living: for instance, to open chips or slap up sandwich, something like this… And knife manages well. I can add that knife will be right for defending against Martian-invaders. It is not so harmless as it seems. To be short, in my opinion this is a clasp high-tech Bowie knife. I read the responses in the Internet, that low and straight grinds are not the rate of good cutting ability. Knife will get stock and all that. But I feel good. Nothing disturbs me. I don’t go through the hassle of carving wood or products design, I am not going to carve waves on oranges...
Military History:
Ariel Sharon. Soldier of His Time…

… As we promised to our readers, the article will be dedicated to legendary Ariel Sharon. This figure in decades caused disputes and scandals, admirations and damnations. It might be spoken endlessly about Ariel Sharon. In order to give the article an accurate narrative pattern, we have decided to concentrate on a very tiny part of his military biography, to be exact, in his participation in Sinai campaign за 1956 which the Israelis call “Kadesh” Operation”...
History of cold weapons:

... It is possible to note, that even at first sight dagger has a lot in common with a spear. And as it was mentioned above, for a sample of a dagger, as combat or hunt weapon, the tusks of wild animals were taken, with all its qualities of damaging enemies or wildings. The simplest example is – a sample of oriental dagger, which blade is very similar to predator tusk. The first familiar similarity between dagger and spear – is distinct symmetry of spear point or blade, or both of them. Both spear point and dagger blade are comparable sufficiently in their qualities. Frequently the only visible difference of both types of weapons was only spear shaft or handle of a dagger…

International Festivals:
International Festival of Medieval Culture in Jerusalem

… If inhabitants of Valley of Rephaim knew what was situated close to Jerusalem and Bethlehem, that after hundreds of years, after they had left this land, knights would return here – you would be laughed at. But it happened. Centuries passed and on the spot of once scenic Roman villas remained only small pieces of memory of those who lived here in different time periods – the Canaanites, Romans, Greeks, Turkish people, runaway monks. It was not long until present residents of Israel laid out here a beautiful historical park-museum Ein Yael. Which is not just ordinary exposure of silent evidence of irremeable empires, this is real piece of the past, where you are able to see way of life, household and crafts of our ancestors…
Rishon LeZion

... Rishon LeZion was founded in far nineteenth century, to be exact – on July 31, 1882. The founders were seventeen Jewish families, who were participants of “Hovevei-Zion” which was headed by Zalman David Levontin, who came from Belorussian city Orsha. This group bought 835 acres (3,4 square kilometres) of land to the south-east of present day Tel Aviv not far from the Arab village Ayun Kara. Since Turkish authorities forbade buying lands by Hebrew-foreigners, the land where first houses were built, was bought under British vice-consul in Jaffo Haim Amzallag name. It was clear that they had to give settlement an imposing name, which could be remembered easily and answered the spirit of Jews emigration on their own land. Finally, without hesitation, future inhabitants thought out the name for the city, which haven’t changed until now...
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