The 16th edition of the International magazine "RIF" (printed)

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Dear friends!

We are pleased to inform you that the 16 issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale since March 27, 2014

The 16th edition of the International magazine "RIF" (printed)

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Dear friends!

We are pleased to inform you that the 16 issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale since March 27, 2014

In the issue:

From the Editor:

Exclusively for R.i.F.

Russia Artisans:

Igor Muzalev:

“It is not enough to know a secret, you should be able to use it properly…”

...Surely, I have not expected that a simple devotion to knives (as many other people I firstly just used to buy and collect knives) will turn to something else. I started realizing that it was my mission comparatively not long ago, may be a couple of years ago. What attracts me? It is possibly creation of something new and interesting first of all for myself. Many things done by myself every day can be learnt but I think we inherit something...


Alex Tseitlin:

The Haddon Brand, W.R. Humphreys, Sheffield

... In about 1904, Humphreys renamed it Haddon Works. Trade catalogs show that the firm manufactured (or marketed) a wide range of knives, including most types of table knives and pocket knives. A silver mark was registered in 1905, when the firm also became a limited company...

Exclusively for R.i.F.

Russia Artisans:

Mikhail Zheryadin:

“I am an Artist”

...Folded knives form a large field for technical ideas. It would be incorrectly to say that I have not implemented all my ideas. It is better to say is not the entire story. But this work takes many hours and is very tiring. Months pass before the knife appears to be finished. That is why I have far less knives than I would like to have. It appeared somehow or other that since my childhood I have being inventing not only the topic itself but also the way for its solving, i.e. the shortest route from point A to point B regarding my opportunities. Surely I have not invented by myself all techniques and methods applied by me. Surely many things have come thanks to the experience of generations before us. I have never had a question where to learn things which I want to do...


Sa’ar Nudel:

Do Zombies Dream on Sharp Knives?

...Funny as it may sound, some people take the zombie threat seriously. There are several academic articles on the subject; each one giving optional, realistic explanations to a zombie-like effect: by using designated drugs, mutant parasites, brain tumors etc. In certain areas people can get a crash course of how to survive in zombie-infested land. Those who participate in such courses say that the unlikely name prepares for the worst case scenario in real the world. When Ka-Bar took a swing at the zombie market a few years ago, I was both surprised and skeptical...

Exclusively for R.i.F.

Russia Artisans:

Mikhail Medvedkov:

“We have created a style and concept of R.V.S.”

... The majority of our knives have been made in branded tang M-plast which combines the reliability of full tang and simplicity of stick tang. There are models performed in the classical style. New models are represented at the exhibitions in which we participate. We give knives for testing to experienced users. And the time clears the air. If there is a demand and interest, a model is further produced. If it has not interested anyone, it is stored in the reserve stock. There is the second birth some times. Some times not. We have our own style...


Picture of the issue:

Excursion into history:

Magic of ritual weapons

...With improvement of arms, the mankind improved their religion and rituals in them. As you have already guessed, they must be the most mysterious and weirdest. The more sophisticated rituals the more complicated arms required. Major focus was given to appearance inspiring a reverential awe. By the way, thus arms were divided into common and ritual. Primitive men decorated knives with drawings and ornaments, images of animals and birds. Thus, they believed that it carries the spirit of the animal depicted on the knife. Later with the development of imagination, a man makes ritual arms in more fabulous and unusual form...

Our Activity:

Presentation of the book by Dr. David Darom «The World of Art Knives II»

Legends of the World knives:

Robert (Bob) Waldorf Loveless

...Robert Loveless was manufacturing knives for over sixty years. At the present time, their price amounts thousands of dollars. A book related to stamps put by Bob on blades of his knives (the craftsman was using a naked girl on later models) was published. That confirms their value for collectors. And up to now, his name remains an example for a great deal of craftsmen and collectors...

History of cold weapons:

History of Ka-Bar

...This knife is among history making knives. It is among those knives which have a special historical meaning for the population which created it. Having brought them from the wars, soldiers were keeping those knives as a family heirloom, as a memory. Many of those knives have survived up to now, keeping in mind those days when they were working in military service in line with their holders, they were coping with them with a difficult battlefield life and rescuing them in unpromising situations…


Jewish knife triathlon

...Mainly because of widely accepted but completely wrong conception that a knife fight is firstly a matter closely connected with bandits, and secondly it is very dangerous. In addition, holding the knife fight competitions connected with the large number of technical problems, they are proving safety during the competition, visibility, the objectivity of points assessment, etc. Having faced with these difficulties we decided to consult with our old friend, master of sports, the head of the sports club “SELA" (Jerusalem), Boris Borokhov. Denis Zlatopolskiy and Boris discussed various aspects of professional competitions with short blade weapons for several months. As a result of this cooperation Boris Borokhov formed a new sport-oriented competition entitled "Jewish knife triathlon."...

Laboratory of R.i.F.:

Field knives test:


...Both Ontario Knife Company and Randall’s Adventures are American companies. And, what is most interesting is that even hosen for Esee-3 was sewn in the same place. Knives were actually produced of the same material for the same purposes. And both companies market them as an instrument for tactical survival. Though when you come right down to it such a combination is more like a sales pitch rather than an actual situation. Hardly anybody has to survive tactically. However, short trips and recreation on the landscape are more frequent free from excessive extreme...

Military History:

Fortress in Latrun

…A powerful fortress was built in front of the Franciscanmonastery, in the strategically important cross-roads, on the halfway from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in the beginning of the twenties by the British. That fortress was named Latrun fortress. On May 14, British soldiers left the fortress. It was immediately occupied by ill-structured Palestinian gunmen. The Jewish lost a unique opportunity to invade the fortress in those several hours of power vacuum and anarchy. On May 15, the Palestinian handed over the fortress to Jordanian legionaries...

Ethnic weapon:

Kerambit – a tiger claw of a rooster

...The popularity of kerambit in Western countries grew in eighties years of the last century on the wave of interest to Philippine and Indonesian combat sports, which in their turn brought with themselves the weapons used in those combat systems. Secondly, the effective advertising made its impact. It was skillfully launched by numerous schools of self-protection, which became popular by the end of nineties. The result is well-known: kerambit has become interesting both for the amateurs and connoisseurs of combat sports…

Views of the knives owners:

EnduraSpyderco: frowardness is not a sin

...Actually, all these conventional numerations as Endura-I, Endura-II, Endura-III and so on are only common names applied by users to name models in order to avoid confusing and conventionally name them. It seems to me it is easier for the connoisseur to say: I have a couple of Endura-II and the interlocutor understands that the talk is about full-metal Endura of the second generation with AUS-6 steel blade. If you are not a connoisseur, then you need some explanation, but these are trifles… Well, I had about ten Endura knives of the first generation. There were a little bit less knives of the second generation. All knives of the fourth generation I presented to other because they did not impressed me. But I did not have Endura of the third generation. It was escaping. How could I hesitate about her contrariness… It was attracting and tempting me. And it was not the point of some magic properties of steel or ergonomics of the handle. I simply liked it very-very much. I saw different good photos in Internet which made my desire hotter and hotter...

Activity from RIF-magazine:

Grand-Quiz-2014 from International Cold Weapon Magazine R.I.F

Are you ready? Then let's go!


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