Dear friends!
We are pleased to inform you that the 20 issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale

In the issue:

Exclusively for R.I.F.
Russia Artisans:
Evgeny Sorokin:
“Professional Growth – is a Permanent Thing …”

... I came to the art works, as I see it, in several years after the beginning of my work. But I have never made completely simple works. Having obtained art education and acquired initial jeweler’s skills I started to look closely to the opportunities, which the art of knifemaking gives me. The weapon is multidimensional for me. The colour, graphics, sculpture, architecture are combined here. The interaction in the work of weapon art of these different, often opposite lines, which combination leads to the “energetic explosion” gives that very level of audience esthetic involvement, which could be possible only in a genuine artwork…

Ethnic knives:
Higonokami - the art of simplicity

... Once, when samurai class was abolished, people were not permitted to carry cold steel. However, it was not really permitted in the time of samurai, but they were disbanded, and people were left with nothing. Nevertheless, cold steel is loud words. Because the point is not about swords or anything like this. The point is only about everyday knives, not the kitchen ones, which are more than enough in Japan. It will not be possible enough to use a kitchen knife for fish cutting in everyday life, because it is dedicated for fish cutting, not for pencils sharpening. Though, it was possible to whittle chopsticks even by it. But people are not chefs, they want something else…

Exclusively for R.i.F.
Russia Artisans:
Anna Danilina:
“It is Possible to Realize Any Ideas …”

... I grew up in an artistic family. My father, Sergey Danilin, is an engraver armourer. Since the early childhood I had seen how his amazing works were created, and, of course, I was interested, too! We had a lot of books about art, and while seeing it, I understood that art subject was involving me more and more. And, perhaps, my favourite ones were different ancient engravings with floral ornament. Probably these factors determined my further art taste and artistic career. But I can also say that there just were no any chances for me to choose anything else...
Excursion into history:
The Oldest Tool

... It is unknown until now where and how the implementation of a tool, which modern people call as “stone knife”, began. In fact, this is the only tool in the history of mankind which remained till nowadays and today is used not less than active. The materials altered, design to one degree or another, functionality, but the basic principle remained permanent – the plate of comparatively solid material able to cut stuff sharpened on the one side. It is possible to create any amount of suppositions, even on the excavations basis, but they didn’t make a complete picture, just suppositions. In order to give clear concept of knife’s origin and other things, one should live in the circumstances from the moment when human, who just taught how to stay on feet, started to use tools in aid...
Exclusively for R.I.F.
Russia Artisans:
Ilya Glebov:
“Knife is Everything for Me …”

... First time I realized consciously the readiness to knife making in 2009. Then I already had several purchased knives, but they didn’t fit me perfectly… and then I decided to try and make knife in my own. I remember when during one of the exhibition in Moscow I bought ready-made blade for knife producing, and some wooden billets. And slowly started making my first knife, where, of course, typical mistakes were made, usual for a beginner. Many of them were explained by the absence of a good instrumental base and understanding of production technology, but in general the final result was nice. It was exactly then when I became “addicted” strongly on a needle called “knife making”, though the awareness came quite later...
History of knife:
A True Gentleman’s Knife

... We will leave the descriptions of things, which were in private use in that period, and stop only on one small, but so important item, without which any public going of a gentleman could not take place. A knife. A knife, which thanks to the owner’s status became to be called as “gentlemen”… Why knife? No one knows the definite answer. Though the majority supposes that it came from the times when it was allowed to nobility to carry personal weapon with. It was forbidden to average men, but aristocracy had to emphasize special position. With time family swords, rapiers and other weapon were decorated richly with engravings and precious metals, turned gradually to a piece of family heritage...
Sheath for a Knife

…In fact, it is almost impossible today to imagine a knife without sheath. Even a clasp knife, though pouches and sheath are produced rarer for it. Firstly, it’s convenient. Especially, if it is undesirable to carry it in a pocket. It relates to clasp-knives, and there is no need to talk about fixed blade knives. Imagine you, put bowie knife into pocket and went to a camping trip... I won’t make a mistake saying that you won’t go far. It’s obvious that even our distant ancestors knew it, especially after they had mastered the forging art and making longer blades. Therefore, sheath was always inseparably linked with blade weapon. And the attention was paid on its quality, decoration and accurate production was no less than to a blade…
Views of the knives owners:
ELLER or Little Red Ant

…And the comparison was born in my head: it looks like red ant. A small, robust worker, which doesn’t touch anyone, works quietly when necessary. But on occasion it can bite badly and make harm, especially in unskillful hands. And it causes interest among unprepared people. Such knives are quite long time in the knife world, and the associations are all about that it’s a peaceful clasp-knife, that’s why it doesn’t cause unhealthy interest or fear. I remember, as in one of the hotels, when taking something out the pockets, I put the knife next to phone, and a girl on the desk drawled in a funny manner: “Oh, what a cu-u-ute thing!” She fidgeted it with hands for long, and said that she had alike formerly, her elder brother presented when she was seven. So, you don’t know where you find and lose. However, the same or similar reaction was almost with all people who saw it. And I don’t need more…
Laboratory of R.i.F.:
City knives test:
Victorinox_Spartan_vs_Swiza D03

…And we decided to start with small pocket knives. Penknife, multipurpose, multi-knife – there are a lot of names. But the options are similar: it’s a small helper either for business trip or picnic, or in everyday life. Therefore, today’s duel two natives of one small, but beautiful country called Switzerland will open. Greet, there are Victorinox Spartan, which will fight with a newcomer in the world of multipurpose knives – Swiza D03…
Lanyard - is it Beauty or Functionality?

…It is possible to see often in Internet platforms or in everyday life that the majority of users have knife temlyak. And it does not matter either it is a folding knife, or a fixed blade. It is also possible to see and hear frequently the discussions about the convenience of temlyak use. Some people consider that using temlyak somewhere on picnic leads to its dirtying and the only thing you have to do is to throw it away after hiking. Some say that the usability of temlyak as additional guarantee (there are convenient grip on a short handle, the possibility to take a knife out of sheath quickly) is rather reasonable, and it will take a few minutes to change it. In general, there is a big number of supporters and opponents of such, as it is thought, a simple thing. So what the lanyard is?..
Military History:
The Six-Day War

…As the result of military conflict between Israel and Egypt, which developed in 1956 on the Sinai Peninsula, the entanglement of inconsistencies began escalating between two rapidly developing Middle East governments. The conflict was, first of all, of ideological character, but also had economical basis. It is worth noting that by the beginning of 1967 there were no direct strategic and military conflicts between Israel and Egypt. And it differed completely the situation which originated on the eve of the Sinai campaign of 1956. By that moment permanent terrorist raids from the Sinai Peninsula territory, directed against Israeli civil population, and the nationalization of the Suez Canal by the Egyptians, induced Israel to find military solution of the situation. After that war, UN deployed considerable contingent of “blue helmets” in the Sinai, which in fact played buffer role between two countries...
History of knife:
A Sabre

... A sabre appeared in the VIIth century among Turkic native peoples, as the result of claymore modification. One-bladed claymores in combat on horseback had advantage over the double-edged swords because of lower weight, and also had manufacturing superiority. The appearance of blade curve, a small at the beginning, made them sabres. From the middle of the VIIth century it is known in Altai, in the middle of VIIIth century – in Khazar kaganate and spread among nomads of East Europe. The average blade length of first sabres was approximately 60 – 80 centimeters. Frequently the hilt in relation to blade was under a tilt (5 – 8º). It is a typical feature that claymores or swords with tilted hilt facilitated the widespread sabres emergence...

... The land, where Nahariya was founded – 2.325 km2 – belonged to the family of Arab landowners Toueini, who lived in Beirut. This land was bought by for individual persons in 1934 for 34 000 of Palestine lyres. Joseph Loewy, an engineer, Heinrich Cohn, a famous Tel Aviv banker, Dr. Selig Eugen Suskin, an agronomist, and the representative of two well-known families in Palestine – Ms Paulina Wangruber-Zelikand became new landowners. A private farm “Mini-farms of Nahariya” was opened on the obtained land due to the model, designed by the agronomist Dr. Suskin. The Suskin model was designed by the analogy with farming in Spain city Monte-Alagida which he visited once. According to Dr. Suskin, the way of farming which he saw in Monte-Alagida was the most suitable for Israeli conditions...
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