The 10th edition of the International magazine "RIF" (printed)

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Dear friends!

We are pleased to inform you that the ninth issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale since October 23, 2012

The 10th edition of the International magazine "RIF" (printed)

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Dear friends!

We are pleased to inform you that the ninth issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale since October 23, 2012

In the issue:

From the Editor:

Exclusively for R.i.F.

USA Craftsmen's:

J.D. Smith:

“I try to create a high quality cold steel…”

...The first time I saw Damascus steel was when I visited the Metropolitan Museum of art in Manhattan NYC. I was ten years old. I had wandered in one summer afternoon. At that time the museum was either free to enter or it was some small fee to go in; what a 10 year old boy might have in pocket… I wandered into the armaments section and saw a Turkish Shamshir that was encrusted with diamonds and emeralds. When I look d closer,I saw all the wavy lines and markings of damascus steel. I did not know what they were, but I do remember being fascinated by them...

Sa'ar Nudel:

Hunting Swords

...A distinct trademark that didn't always exist is the fitting of small utensils to the sheath of the main, big sword which creates a hunting set or trousse. The utensils were usually a useful little knife for everyday chores, a fork, a bodkin, a saw, and sometimes additional tools, specific ones. A special tool, the hunting chopper (or cleaver), which was very common during the Renaissance and the Baroque periods, was almost always a part of a separate kit and is not considered a sword...

Exclusively for R.i.F.

Italy Craftsmen's:

Emmanuel Esposito:

“It’s not easy thing to make knives…”

...I started making knives when I was fourteen, and when I was twenty-three it turned to be my lifework. This is because earlier I’ve started my career in my grandfather’s workshop and when I started to make my first knife, I’ve already had very good experience in doing with diverse tools. But, I’ve learned how to make knives independently. The first knife I made had a fixed blade. By the way I still keep it with me. This knife is not for fine works and is designed for use anywhere in nature...

Festival of blacksmith artistry in Donetsk

...The meeting turned out be really warm. And not only because the weather greeted with Indian summer. To most degree it was encouraged by the festival’s management itself, the first day of which was devoted to meeting the participants with one another. It was gave the possibility without extra rush to get acquainted with the city and, of course, the Park of forged statues, created in 2001 at the initiative of the Donbass Blacksmith Guild and support of the city council...

Exclusively for R.i.F.

Russia Craftsmen's:

Alexander Cheburkov:

“Knife – it’s like a child…”

...I always had knives. My mother worked at a souvenir factory, where folding knives were being manufactured. Sometimes I visited my mother at work, but not too often, etc., checkpoint, You must understand, that not everyone was permitted to enter. That’s why, my first knife was a folding knife – it was called “Tayozhniy”. I had that knife prior to entering army. When I returned, I made my first knife. The prototype was the model of the “Bouyee” knife, which I had seen in some magazine and decided to copy it. I worked for around a month on it. Then I gave it to one of the friends. In 2003 I decided to test my skills again at making knives. A few samples had been made and presented in Moscow, at the exhibition “Blade”... 

Elena Frolova:

Scrimshaw master-class (lesson I)

...Sharpening of needles is another piece of cake that requires individual and long lasting discussion. I’ll start with that I sharpen needles only by hand and under a microscope, and sometimes it takes the whole working day. Actually, when a needle you’ve worked with for a long period of time breaks, becomes blunt or “runs out”, it is a real tragedy, because you’ve already got used to it. To sharpen and adjust needles I use a diamond bar and sandpaper with maximum small-sized grains. Let me tell you one secret: there are manicure files that can make the point ideally sharp...

Picture of the issue:

Arkadiy Khanin:

In Puukko’s country

...The best knife impressions are, of course, further ahead. The workshop and store of the one of the most famous and unique knife makers of Finland is located 40 kilometers from us – Heimo Roselli. The visit to him was planned beforehand with a letter, which was sent to him asking for a meeting. The return letter, which was sent by the Roselli’s son was regretful, saying that the end of July was the period of holidays and all the male employees are gone hunting and fishing, but the women, who were left behind at the shop, will provide us with the possibility of photographing the workshop...

Vladimir Gerasimov:

“On the Ural side”

...Year of 2010 was full of miracles. I went as a participant to the exhibition S.I.C.A.C. to Paris and basically within five meters I ran into the maestro himself. We had only met that year. The following year he attended our stand and already with curiosity examined our metal, out attempts of the poetic damask steel. We had received very good replies from the maestro. That’s when the thought of inviting Piere and Nicole Reverdi (they work together) to Zlatoust came into mind, so that they can see our city of amours, get acquainted with the our history and our production. And if possible, deliver a lecture and conduct a master-class by the world renowned master himself…

Russia Craftsmen's:

Vadim Piskarev - Exclusively for R.i.F.:

“A dream to make a knife from its blade to handle...”

...I reckon that I made my first knife in 1981, and it was the first and the last work of such kind. That time one of my friends was a deputy director at Lvov Bus Plant, and I asked him to fetch me some piece of metal from tank armor. The point is that at that bus plant they produced something for tanks, that’s why I asked him. He brought me a strip of 65-G iron, as they say, one of the most firm steels! So, I did a band, filed it and processed at emery stand. When looking at it, it seemed to me even as if having a handle, and the knife looked rather nice. I cast it into the tree and it split for two halves. That’s how I was through with knife-making art, but a little thorn still remained in my head…


Aleksander Barmin:

Lesson 8: Guards

...Prior to lowering the background , lets prepare a few chisels or hammering knives. We will require: steeple chisel, ball chisel and flack chisel. The correct way is to lower the background using steeple chisel (hammer knife) in narrow, small places and along the ornament elements. After such engraving will receive islands of background, which should be accurately selected cleaned up by ball chisel and flack chisel. Every time you stop engraving a separate section of the ornament, finish it with finishing paper #1000. This process is required for removing agnails and detection of light background spots...

Alex Tseitlin:

The materials, which are used for manufacturing of handles for razors

...First of all it is necessary to tell about silver handles. Sterling silver is an alloy of 925 parts pure silver and 75 parts copper. This mixture meets the standards for silver set by the British government and recognized around the world. Sterling silver was first widely used on razors during the 1890s. Such handles are very rare and have the high price...

Views of the knives owners:

Spyderco Caly-3 or a Snubby Goddess

...My Caly didn’t appear in a silver dress, but in a dark green Spyderco box with a spider brand logo. It was purchased at one of the exhibitions prior to closing. I don’t even know how it caught my attention. It got the better of me in such a way, that I can’t even explain, why I tried to bargain with the seller. But I persuaded him and at the end the box was transferred to my possession…

I opened it at home. Picked it with my hands and slid it back. At first I couldn’t understand. Little, funny snubby. Not a very serious Goddess, by the way...

Travel around Israel:


...The city was founded in 716 by caliph Suleiman El-Malik, who presumed to make it the capital of Palestine instead of the neighboring Lidda. The role of Ramla during those years very big, since it was located on the cross-roads of importation ancient roads: the sea route from Egypt to Syria and Mesopotamia and bridge between the port of Jaffa and Jerusalem. During the Suleiman the castle walls, market and big mosque had been built. As of today, only 27 meter minaret (The White Tower) has preserved, which was added in the 13th century by Beibasar I...

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