The 11th edition of the International magazine "RIF" (printed)

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Dear friends!

We are pleased to inform you that the 11 issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale since December 7, 2012

The 11th edition of the International magazine "RIF" (printed)

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Dear friends!

We are pleased to inform you that the 11 issue of the international magazine of knives “R.I.F.” is on sale since December 7, 2012

In the issue:

From the Editor:


Exclusively for R.i.F.

Italian Craftsmen:

Franchesco Pachi:

“I will never stop shooting”

...Making a good knife photograph is no simple task. Of course, using modern equipment and cameras, you may take a good picture of a knife or other item, but making that picture live is just another thing. A good picture is like a good knife, it combines several different steps. A good, substantial picture includes many important points: lens, camera, and, what is the most important, light making the Item shot realistic. The task occurs to be somewhat hard for a knife, because the latter consists of various materials...

Etnics knives

Marat Tekuev:

Bichak. The knife granting life

...What represents the Balkar’s Bichak? Versatile multipurpose tool for hunters and breeders, which design was formed long ago and remained unchanged throughout the centuries: the single-blade knife, the straight blade, without or with several grooves, beveled spine. Base of the blade put into the hilt and clamped with nonferrous metal plate, the ends are recurved on the hilt at an angle of 45 degrees to the hilt, locking it and preventing cracking. The wooden/horn hilt is fitted on the cone shank or fixed in overlay way...

Exclusively for R.i.F.

Russia Craftsmen:

Igor Pampukha:

“The first knife was made out of riffler…”

...Everything, just like with many, had begun during the childhood. We lived across a factory. During free time, after school, I visited my father at the blacksmiths shop. I also had different childhood dreams of course, for example, becoming a geologist. Mountains, wilderness, cliffs – simply romance. But it was easier to jump over a fence, more realistic and simpler at the time, rather than going into the mountains. And indeed, the fire, steel, hot metal, workers – all that was a real man’s trade. Therefore, there was no doubt about who I will become prior to the army and after the army. It was a blacksmith and that was my wish from the very childhood...

Historical cold weapons:

Sa’ar Nudel:

The Palace Armoury of Malta

...Naturally, most arms & armor show origins in Spain, France and Italy, as the roots of many of the knights were in those countries and their proximity. Several interesting items form a large show of Savoyard helmets, siege armors and siege helmets that are very heavy and consist of a double layer of thick steel, bulletproof armor bearing scars of field tests, a mounted armored knight and jousting armors and lances. The arms-hall displays the evolution of the knights’ personal armament with emphasize on the prized object – the sword...

Israel Craftsmen:

Igor Kagan (ICKG):

"It’s not exciting - to create classic workpieces!"

...Initially for creating the blade, I used ready-made steel strips. I don't know, but it always seemed to me that forged knife is better. Thus, I started reading the literature about blacksmithing, metal heat treatment, so to speak gaining the information. And, in the course of time I began practicing. Way back in my childhood, I and my friends occasionally starring at blacksmiths work in their shop. It was so fascinating to look at the red-hot metal and its transformation from a hammer. Then my time has come and I began forging. I wanted to try so much and suddenly I had a chance...


”Klinok” in Moskow, Fall 2012

The 26th knife exhibition «Sword-blade» gave all the fans and admirers of cold arms an opportunity to visit it for five days. And it was worth spending the time to get to Sokolniki, because traditionally there were many interesting things for the guests: an opportunity to buy new models of knives, interesting workshops and contests. But first of all – communication with the same enthusiastic people.

Exclusively for R.i.F.

Russia Craftsmen:

Gennady Makarov:

«I Was Engraving the Rifle for Brezhnev…»

Today I want to tell about a unique artist, the 1st class engraver and an amazing person Gennady Makarov. He spent more than forty years working in the experimental shop of the Izhevsk Mechanical Arms Factory where they created masterpieces of rifle and knife art. In terms of my yet another visit to Izhevsk I decided to meet my old friend at his home and to ask Gennady Nikolayevich about his life in details ...…

Picture of the issue:

Project: Photo of the Month.

Dear readers! The journal’s editorial office of “R.I.F.” is inviting you to participate in project: “Photo of the Month”.

The rules are simple

- Quality photograph of the knife from Your collection, regardless whether it’s a custom or just a simple knife, but must be photographed only by You.

The size of the photograph must be at least 2000Х3000 pxl or greater.

Photoshop or other program editing is not welcomed.

Except for minor detail editing or resizing. Natural imaging is better! Photos with bright spots or lighting will not be accepted, as well as colorless, fuzzy, dark and color balance disturbances.

Scanned photographs will not be accepted.

Someone else’s works will not be accepted. Please check the authenticity.

It doesn’t matter where you live. The work is what matters.

- At the end of the year jury of the editorial staff will select the best work for choosing the “The best photo of the R.I.F. journal” - Send your works to the following email address

The author of the winning photo will receive a prize from the editorial office

Yours truly! Editorial staff of "R.I.F"


”Arsenal”, Moskow, Fall 2012

If you talk to the old-timers of knife exhibitions on what they expect from the Arsenal, it is easy to make a conclusion that most of them come to this exhibition to see something interesting, unusual. And the exhibition, which by the idea of its organizer Svetlana Tseboeva, was created in order to show that knife-making is an art too, year after year fulfills the expectations of the visitors. And now it has not changed this tradition again, having impressed those who came with highly artistic works, both by the participants who came to the exhibition for the first time, and by known artists.

Timofei Antonevich, Moscow…

Alex Tseitlin:

Straight razors and ivory

...Since ancient times, ivory was valued highly by a pleasant cream color and density, ease of processing and the relative durability. Although if not properly stored (humidity, moisture), it may turn yellow. Today ivory valued particularly highly, but for many household purposes, such as knife handles and piano keyboard, using of celluloid is cheaper. And since 1869-70, celluloid is widely used for ivory imitation...

Russia Craftsmen:

Andrey Kuzminov - Exclusively for R.i.F.:

"I don’t like to repeat the pictures once taken…"

...I began shooting long ago. Regarding shooting knives, I worked independently from the very beginning, studying the craft within the process. Knives are interesting for me by themselves, every one having the history of its own, its nature, and I do my best to reveal all this through other things placed around, through composition and light. I attended master classes, analyzed and still analyze works of famous still life photographers. I learn setting light, composition… I have got much useful information in the master classes of Igor Sakharov, the leading advertising photographer in Russia. Not only knives, many other subjects, naturally, are interesting for me…

Elena Frolova:

Scrimshaw master-class (lesson II)

...I have nothing to recommend regarding the bone needling forth and depth. Forth and craftiness are a matter of practice. Besides, are you hoping your very first job to be exposed in Louvre? You may train a little – really, you must train. It is much easier to finish something incomplete than correct a needled outline. You just need to take into consideration that needling through paper, you can see the result only after taking the paper and washing the glue off. I mean paper has some thickness, too, to be needled. One advice is don’t prick with all your might...


Live history of the “Knights of Jerusalem”

...People have always been attracted by the history, especially if it can be seen by their own eyes, whether it is the ruins of ancient cities or statues of the disappeared civilization. And if there is a possibility to see the “live” history with your own eyes – it will always be of eternal interest. There are many enthusiasts of different trades, who replicate the historic reconstructions of different eras, but fortunately, that the history of mankind accounts for a whole lot of interesting moments. We will not be interested in all of them, but will review only one little piece of history, which exists in Israel, regardless of the fact that the country itself is a part of the world history.

Let me introduce to you the warriors, whose festivals and battles gather many willing participants, who would like to feel the spirit of Medieval times. Where are they from? Who are they, the Knights of Jerusalem?..


Aleksander Barmin:

Lesson 9: brazing and soldering

...To face their workpieces, the engraver-armorers also use the jewelry techniques and technologies.Brazing the parts, filigree, setting stones and so forth. Today I will present you the technique of covering the (brazed) end pieces.It can be used for parts of a knife and sheath, as well as in the manufacture of pendants and decorative products...

Knives in history:

Boyscouts knives

I’m kidding, of course. Hardly at that time, in the first quarter of the twentieth century, had boy scouts sung such chants. They walked in formation. They tented. Went camping. And, in general, were the quite good organization, which taught how to be independent and courageous. But there was in it one more pleasant moment for young boy scouts: customary attribute of belonging to the organization there was a folding small knife, pride of boys and present collectors of classic folding knives …

Travel around Israel:


Being born in the days of the USSR we grew up in the era when the only association we had with the word “Nazareth” was the legendary rock band from Scotland. The majority of people who were devoid of religious feelings were not able to remember or even know that according to the New Testament it was in this holy Christian city that the Annunciation had happened and the childhood and young years of Jesus Christ had passed.

But today when it’s been for more than two decades that the people of New Russia have become more and more active in their turning to religion, in their interest in history, biblical literature and spirituality, the word «Nazareth» has got a different sound ...


Pay attention!

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The subscription can be made through representatives or directlyon the magazine website!

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Tel.: +972-5444-111-00

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